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Greater Gulf State Fair Homemaker's Contest
Welcome to our upcoming homemakers' contest, where we will showcase the talents and skills of homemakers in baking pies, cookies, and presenting jams, jellies, and preserves. We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to participants and viewers alike and encourage you all to participate in this exciting event. We promise to offer an unforgettable experience and the opportunity to share your creative cooking with your peers, friends, and family. Take a look at a blast of the past to see all the fun you could have!
Homemaker's Contest information
1. All entries are due on Friday, October 20, 2023, between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at the Greater Gulf State Fair, 1035 Cody Road North Mobile, AL 36608. Judging will begin immediately afterward by Independent judges.
2. One entry per category. You may enter as many categories as you please.
3. Exhibitors have an optional pick-up date on October 23, 2023, between 11:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Non-winning entries not picked up on October 23, 2023, will be disposed of.
4. There will be no entry fees. Anyone is eligible to enter.
5. 1st, 2nd, 3rd place ribbons will be awarded. Winning ribbons are awarded on quality, appearance, workmanship, and flavor (where applicable).
6. All exhibits, including baked goods must be entered during take-in.
7. Recipes are required in order to be judged. All items without a recipe will receive a green ribbon.
8. No refrigerated items will be entered.
Pies & cookies
Judging Criteria for Pies and Cookies:
25% General Appearance
25% Texture
20% Frosting or Crust-Uniform
15% Lightness
15% Grain
Preserved Foods Exhibit
All canned foods should be of good quality in clean standard canning jars with rings removed. Entries in repurposed food jars or with rusty lids will not be entered.
A label stating the name of product, the name of owner, and the date of canning must be placed on the bottom of the jar.
The recipe including procedure must be included to be judged.
Score Card for Judging canning exhibits
Container: Appropriate, clean, USDA approved (Standard size jars, jars should be clean- no rings).
Pack: Fullness, Proportion of product to liquid, Uniformity
Product: Clarity- liquid clear and free of small pieces
Color- good, natural, free of blemishes and bruises
Texture & Quality- integrity of the product maintained​
class 70- preserved foods
Preserves, Jams, and Marmalades
Pickles & Relishes
For any questions regarding the Homemaker's Contest, please contact our Admin Office at
251-344-4573 or email us at!
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